Hydraulic dissertation

液壓供應控制分歧座安裝在液壓源和伺服液壓缸之間,用於控制液壓開關低壓、高壓啟動(OFF/LOW/HIGH)具低壓至高壓緩慢加壓功能避免油壓高壓瞬間啟動造成伺服作動器暴沖, 用高壓篩檢程式過濾液壓油,高壓蓄壓器儲存能量,穩定壓力回油蓄壓器吸收回油脈衝,效率高,壽命長。

Hydraulic manifold installed between hydraulic power pack and servo hydraulic cylinders, to switch hydraulic low pressure, high pressure and off (OFF/LOW/HIGH). With slow turn on hydraulic function, from off to low pressure and low pressure to high pressure, that prevent servo cylinder bursting caused by pressurizing instantaneously( switch from OFF to HIGH). The hydraulic manifold with high pressure filter to clean hydraulic oil, high pressure accumulator to storage energy and remain stable of pressure line, low pressure accumulator to reduce hydraulic pulse in return line.