The six-axis linkage platform can represent six degrees of freedom of motion mode motion platform is mainly composed of three major parts: mechanical structure, control law and motion efficiency. In terms of mechanical structure, the basic structure of the action platform can range from single axis to six axis, generally more common three axes and six axes. With the different mechanical structure design, it also indirectly affects the motion performance of the platform, such as the freedom of movement of the platform, carrying weight, motion angle and so on. Generally known as the platform's mode of motion is called degrees of freedom, the so-called degrees of freedom refers to the three-dimensional coordinate system, respectively, the X, Y, Z axis to do flat movement, it will be horizontal translation, vertical translation and upper and lower translation of three degrees of freedom, if you add the rotation of the X, Y and Z axes, it will increase rock, pitch and twist three degrees of freedom. In nature, the underlying motion patterns can be represented by this combination of six degrees of freedom. Thus, a three-degree-of-freedom action platform means that three of the six modes of motion can be done, such as Heave, Roll, and Pitch.